Other Camino routes

Other Camino routes which finish in Santiago de Compostela

Camino del Norte or the Northern Way. Starts in Irun, at the French border, and runs parallel to the sea. An 865km (537 miles) walk through Northern Spain; the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, and Galicia.
Camino Primitivo or the Original Camino. Starts in the Asturian capital of Oviedo and joins up with the Camino Frances in Melide for the last two days. Approximately 370 km (230 miles) in length.
Via De La Plata. The longest Camino route (1000km or 621 miles). It starts in Seville in Spain and heads north. There are two routes, one joining up with the Camino Frances or the other turning to the north-west.
Le Puy Camino. Starts in the town of Le Puy-en-Velay in France and joins up with the Camino Frances in St Jean Pied de Port, France (approximately 547 kms or 339 miles away)
Camino Ingles or the English Way. One of the shortest routes to get to Santiago de Compostela. Starts in the port city of Ferrol and is 110 kms (68 miles) long.